Life expectancy is much longer nowadays & most of us hope to have a very active life in our retirement. To maintain your current lifestlye you need to put a plan in place to enjoy your golden years and not be totally reliant on social welfare payments if you are to maintain the lifestyle you had prior to retirement. Providing for the financial aspect of your retirement is a long term project. The earlier you start providing for a pension the better, in terms of the compounding effect of investment returns.
Retirement planning is one of the most important aspects of personal financial planning. Due to the complexity and number of options, the input of a Professional and Independent Adviser is essential. Here at Complete Financial we have amassed years of experience advising our clients on there retirement, as Qualified Tax Advisors and financial planning experts we can help you plan for your retirement in a tax efficient manner.
When planning your retirement Complete Financial will guide you through the steps involved in calculating your required retirement fund. We will take into account other income you might have and asertain how much you need to start saving now to reach your goal when you reach retirement age. We will take into account other factors such as your investment risk profile, required investment growth and match these to pension options available in the market place. We will also explain the tax relief available on pensions and ensure you are maximising this where possible.
Perhaps you are one of the many people in Ireland who are disappointed with the performance of your pension in recent years. If you would like to talk to someone who can explain how pensions and their charges work. The charging structure is very important in pension planning and you shouldn’t be paying more than you need to.
At Complete Financial we believe in transparency and for this reason with client agreement we prefer to charge fees for setting up pensions with our pension providers and do not take commission from life assurance companies for pension set up. This would normally result in a cheaper pension charge, which will allow for greater pension growth.