Complete Financial researches all the products in the market, their pros and cons and recommends the best option that suits you. This is true impartiality. We work for you and not for the product provider.
Asset & Family Protection Advice
It is important to make sure you or your family won’t have financial problems if a misfortune like an accident, death or illness happens to you or a member of your family. Think of all the things that would still need to be paid for if you or your partner cannot work due to an accident or illness or you die – the mortgage, household bills, day-to-day expenses, children education, travel & holidays etc.We can compare and advise you on the very best protection policies designed to replace lost income and provide a money benefit when it is needed most.
More details on: Income Protection - Life Cover - Serious Illness Cover
Retirement AND PLANNING Advice IN CORK
Retirement planning is a vital part of everyone’s financial plan. Having a proactive portfolio management plan in place will be vital to ensure that you have a comfortable and secure retirement.
While all of us would like to retire comfortably, the complexity and time required in building a successful retirement plan can make the whole process seem nothing short of daunting. However, it can often be done with fewer headaches (and financial pain) than you might think. Here at Complete Financial we take you step by step through this process – all it takes is a little investment homework, an attainable savings plan, and a long-term commitment.
At Compete Financial we believe that meeting with our clients annually and going through a value-added financial planning session is vital in ensuring that we grow, preserve and transfer our client’s wealth in the most efficient manner possible. We will review your financial situation and help you take any actions necessary to ensure that you are taking full advantage of all opportunities to increase and preserve your hard earned assets in a tax-efficient manner.
More details on: Private Pension - PRSAs & PRSA AVCs - Executive Pension - Self Administered / Directed Pension - Advanced Pension Structures - Pre-Retirement Advice - Post Retirement Advice - Approved Retirement Funds - Facts & Tax
Savings & Investments Advice
We specialise in savings plans for parents looking to build a brighter future for their children. Education is the key to your children’s future. Even if you don’t have to pay huge school or college fees, there are still many significant costs involved in putting a child through education. .
There are many different types of investments to choose from, each with their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. As an individual, you will be faced with a vast amount of information about stocks, property, bonds etc when you are investigating how best to invest a lump sum or regular savings. Understanding all the options available and finding the most suitable option for your needs can be a daunting task – that’s why our team of experts are here to help you make the smart investment decisions.
Complete Financial has an investment philosophy which encourages our clients to diversify and broaden their investment horizons. However, increases in volatility and changes in the global industrial and investment axis have made diversification into alternative asset classes and into a broader range of stock markets more important.
At Compete Financial we believe that meeting with our clients annually and going through a value-added financial planning session is vital in ensuring that we grow, preserve and transfer our client’s wealth in the most efficient manner possible. We will review your financial situation and help you take any actions necessary to ensure that you are taking full advantage of all opportunities to increase and preserve your hard earned assets in a tax-efficient manner.
Read more about: Regular Savings Scheme - Lump Sum Investments - Stocks, Shares & Funds - Risk Profiling
Wills & Tax Advice
It’s easy to put off making a will. But if you die without one your assets may be distributed according to the law rather than your wishes. This could mean that your partner receives less, or that the money goes to family members who may not need it.
There are lots of good financial reasons for making a will: You can decide how your assets are shared out – if you don’t make a will, the law says who gets what. Half of the Irish population avoid making a will. Without a will, it can be a time of great family discord as well as distress as the State determines who gets the money and assets and in what proportion.
Advice on Wills - EPOA - Trust and Estates - Statement Of Affairs - Maximising Your Estate - Inheritance Tax - Succession Planning