A lump sum investment situation may arise when someone gets an unexpected windfall and instead of spending it he wishes to invest the money in a meaningful way in order to grow the money into a larger amount. From day to day and week to week the economic tides change and with those changes come different strategies for a lump sum investment. You could visit ten different investment planners and each one could very well give you ten different ideas and suggestions, at Complete Financial we have a team of fully dedicated financial advisors to help you through this process.
The first thing that comes to mind is the stock market. It is the last place many people want to go when the times are tough and the market is either in decline or merely puttering on top of the stove. But the market has for many decades brought a steady but usually unspectacular growth opportunity for most investors. In more difficult economic times any financial advisor would not, under any circumstances make a lump sum deposit in the stock market. Instead, the advice would be to diversify the amount into a number of areas, minimizing the risk of large losses.